In actuality, installing these hefty files makes your current version even more bloated in size. The obvious pro for using the feature is that it is a significant time-saver by allowing you to download in-game resources before a scheduled update unfortunately, it still means we are holding onto the current patch resources while trying to download new ones. The pre-installation feature for Genshin Impact comes with some pros and cons. What you need to know about Genshin Impact's pre-installation But for now, the problem is ours to solve, and that's why Android Police has analyzed the best practices to optimize your mobile storage space for Genshin Impact, helping your phone or tablet cope with this monstrous game. Furthermore, nuking our gaming library and media space to make room for Genshin Impact is also a hard pill to swallow. Unfortunately, maintaining internal hardware upgrades or cashing in on sizeable SD cards isn't feasible for everyone.